Wednesday 29 August 2012

H day plus 7 ~ Dare I Hope?

Hubs been through it this last week for sure. The condition over the last week when it was top scale pain and lesions and leaks is now less pain (but still kills) less lesioned skin if that's possible and less leaks over the last two days.

The pain still practically floors hubs. We had a bit of time out down town to see the rally. And although hubs was stoic throughout our sojourn, back home he paid for it. No sleep due to high pain levels again. That takes its toll on any loving soul!

Plus 7 is today. The next self injection. I was very impressed with hubs just actually getting on with it stabbing his thigh just like that! By all accounts that bloody hurt.

I am amazed. I asked hubs what he thought having to self inject. How he felt about it. Hubs just says to me it's gotta be done. Me? I analyse everything. Think too much i guess.

But i will say i think today is better than yesterday. And yesterday better than the day before. Before that though hubs life was pretty shite.

Maybe it's too soon to even think like this but i can't help it cos am always hoping and praying and thinking as i watch my hubs struggle with it all . . But is this step down of HS in recent days remission of the stage hubs has been struggling with this last year or . . . Is the Humira starting to have its wicked way with my hubs immune system?

Under his arms have lost their redness and he can lift them.

Lift them high!

The leaking is less. Not stopped. Just less.

Hubs can lie on his side in bed which means the swellings are a little less and the pain is a little less and the lesions are a little less vicious!

HS is horrible shite. It's a vicious trashy head freken skin condition where sufferers will try anything from skin grafts to smoking pot for relief.

I actually don't care if my hubs relief is from Humira or its naturally backing off so long as he has some peace for himself. Maybe just maybe that long over due time is imminent.

Good night and take care of you.


1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear your hubby was experiencing a bit of relief in this post. Yay! Any relief is so welcome when you are flaring as bad as he is... Prayers continue... Love & Hugs! <3
